In an uncertain world, Arishma and Dharmen Chand are building some certainty into their future with a CrestClean franchise.
Like many New Zealanders, their income was affected by last year’s nationwide lockdown.
An aluminium fabricator, Dharmen’s hours were reduced and, while Arishma’s job as a medical administrator was not affected, the couple worried about what might happen if there were further lockdowns.
“We knew people who had lost their jobs and couldn’t find another one, so we thought maybe we should do something just in case — because you never know what might happen in the future,” says Arishma.
Dharmen’s hours have since returned to normal but, after speaking with family who owned a CrestClean franchise, the couple decided it was the safety net they were looking for.
They bought a franchise in January and have since increased their combined income by 50 per cent.
“It’s like we have a third person working with us; we have three incomes coming in.”
Besides which, the work is stress-free and easy to fit in around their day jobs.
“We spend time together working in the evenings. We talk and clean. It’s working really well, and our future is looking a lot brighter.”
Auckland West Regional Manager Caro Wedding praised Arishma and Dharmen for their consistently positive attitude.
“They are so enthusiastic about this opportunity. They are bubbly and excited to be wherever you ask them to be — and they turn up really keen and looking fabulous,” says Caro.
“If they maintain this attitude throughout their time with CrestClean, then they can’t lose.”
Despite a delayed start due to their training being postponed during lockdown, they never lost faith in the CrestClean system, adds Caro.
“It took a few weeks longer to get them filled up with work, but they really relaxed into it and trusted the process throughout that time. Now that it’s all come together for them it’s plain sailing!”