CrestClean Wins Supreme Franchise Award

CrestClean is excited to have won New Zealand’s most prestigious franchise award — the 2021 Westpac Supreme Franchise System of the Year.

The award was announced last night at an online ceremony, hosted by TV Presenter Wendy Petrie.
The judges praised CrestClean for its franchise system, teamwork and high satisfaction rates amongst personnel.

“This is an outstanding, successful and very well-structured franchise system, with clear measures of business performance in all dimensions.

“CrestClean extend their concept of teamwork to all head office staff, franchisees, customers, suppliers, auditors, community partners, and independent directors. Keeping good contact with over 600 franchisees is a formidable task. The most recent satisfaction survey was completed by 477 respondents, with all the scores over 80 percent – for a business of this scale, that is an impressive response.”

The award coincides with CrestClean’s 25th Anniversary year, which is especially gratifying, says CrestClean Managing Director Grant McLauchlan.

“It reflects 25 years of great work, and the success of our 672 franchise teams working the breadth of New Zealand. It’s all about the people — it’s a real team effort.”

“The award is the culmination of years of improvement in our system and the way we operate, and recognises how well we look after our franchisees and support them, which is something we take great pride in,” says Grant.

“I would like to thank everyone who is part of the CrestClean team for contributing to this outstanding achievement.”

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