Security Warning for Schools

burglars_with_loot_320x240Many Schools are becoming targets for burglary now that they have more computers onsite.

We ask that you take extra care to ensure doors and windows are locked securely when you leave.

Please also be conscious about any classroom or building that is unlocked while you’re not working in it.

See the article featured in the NZHerald below:

Burglars targeting schools’ technology

Schools are increasing security as digital age demands make them greater targets for burglaries.

Break-ins and theft of equipment like school laptops, desktop computers and tablets are becoming more frequent, and police say schools need to make devices less attractive to steal.

Security cameras are in higher demand, but hiding technology from prying eyes is considered the best preventive measure.

Principals’ Federation president Phil Harding said school burglaries were “absolutely” a problem.

While he was principal of Paparoa Street School in Christchurch two years ago, the school was burgled of computers and other devices twice within weeks.

He was told the technology was likely stolen to order, then exported. “They’re in and out in minutes. It’s a huge cost, and it’s a huge frustration.”

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