‘Thank Your Cleaner Day’ celebrated

Dharam Singh enjoyed catching up with other franchisees at the celebration.

Everyone likes to be thanked for the work that they do!

So, when ‘Thank Your Cleaner Day’ came around, CrestClean’s Regional Master Franchisee Zainab Ali took the opportunity to let her Wellington teams know how valued they are.

Franchisees were invited to a special morning tea where goodie bags were handed out and achievements and milestones recognised.

Franchisees were each gifted goodie bags.

Kapil Bhatt received a 10-Year Long Service Award to celebrate a decade of owning his CrestClean business, while Terauno and Nano Agape were presented with Level 2 Certificates in Commercial Cleaning.

Zainab Ali presents Kapil Bhatt with his 10-Year Long Service Award.

Zainab Ali presents Terauno and Nano Agape with their Level 2 Certificates in Commercial Cleaning.

“Eleven teams came into the office and we took the time to sit and talk and reflect on what the past year has been like for each of us,” says Zainab.

“We had lots of food, and it was such a good day. The morning tea went on for longer than expected as everyone had such a good time catching up with each other.”

Zainab Ali presents Kapil Bhatt with his 10-Year Long Service Award.
Zainab Ali presents Terauno and Nano Agape with their Level 2 Certificates in Commercial Cleaning.
Wellington Regional Master Franchisee Zainab Ali put on a special morning tea for franchisees to celebrate Thank Your Cleaner Day.

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